Finding Humility in the Pushup


For those of you who don’tcrossfit,” [in verb form] I do not blame you. It is extremely intimidating to start. However, it has been one of the most liberating and strength enhancing experiences I have ever had. Plus it is funny to watch people’s faces when they lift heavy things.

That being said, probably one of the hardest things to get used to is the LINGO. So, last week ended the open, where crossfit athletes around the nation, compete in a series of workouts; you can check the scores online, and tune in live. Now that it is over, our gym decided to have a “de-load,” week.

Now, if you are a cardio Queen, like myself, you get excited for de-load week because it means that the heavy lifting, bars and super power strength is put aside for a little while. So the first workout included X amount of rounds of X-MILLION pushups. Or at least that is how it felt. And you can’t cheat at pushups like you could when you were younger in Gym class. Your chest has to actually touch the floor. Then once you hit the ground, you have to use your core to lift back up.

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[Simple concept; grueling reality]

When we completed the workout, half the class was stranded on the floor. The manager and I discussed the complexity of the work out and how on earth we were going to do other skills following the agony. And then he said something that was intersting, and so easy for my word nerdy, metaphorical self to eat up.

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He said,

“There is nothing more humbling than a pushup. You aren’t lifting barbells, or heavy weights. It is just you, and your body, and your ability to lift your own weight.”

Oh Crossfit, you kill me.

Some of the best athletes at this gym, struggle with hundreds of pushups. But give them 400 pounds over head, and they get after it. But pushups are humbling in the sense that external weights and obstacles are heavy. However, it is always ourselves that are often our own worst enemy.

Back to basics people, we have to carry our own weight, and and see how humbling it is, when we are successful. Yes, we face fatigue, and sometimes the last few are so slow, but when your chest hits the ground, you always lift yourself back up.

Next time you are having a rough day, do a pushup. You CAN handle your own weight. DELOAD weak links and dead weight.

Get After Life.


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