
TwentyFour| living unnecessarily necessarily, insignificantly significant moments.  I love God, but dislike his tests; I’m slowly learning that is what faith is.  I’m pretty sure He is proud up there.

I like predictable romantic comedies aka boy-meets-girl…and even better Boy Meets World.  Ellios pizza (BURNT only), Jersey music and Kardashian marathons; Every single Grey’s Anatomy quote and pretending to be Sophia Bush.  I’ve recently overcome an egg allergy, but continue to be “allergic” to peanut butter and biased towards WHITE mint-chocolate chip ice-cream. I watch SVU before bed and believe One Tree Hill is real. I snort when I laugh. I love beagles and dance with zero rhythm. I support our armed forces and will continuously post pictures of my brother in camo because he is the best. I love cliches and carbs.  I am fluent in two languages: English (slang) and sarcasm.  I am an avid story teller and love watching people when they connect. I’m a hopeless romantic, but I prefer to be called non-giver-upper aka non-quitter.  Only regret thus far…I still do not own a baby pig.

Matthew 17:20

He replied, “Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there and it will move.  Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Life is filled with so many unnecessary activities and moments; moments we render discountable.  But I recently learned if you forget these small moments, these little gifts in time, you are missing the whole point.  You cannot keep waiting to be ready; ready is irrelevant; we will never be ready.  There is only now.  So what would you do if you were not afraid, if you planted that small mustard seed?  I guess write a blog about all the most beautiful, positively unnecessarily, messy moments that make this great life.

Alright God, Now I’m listening.


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