T'was the night before Primaries, when all through the house. Not a constituent was unregistered, not even a mouse! The polls were open at 6 AM with care; In Hopes that a New Candidate would soon be there. The community was torn all snug in their beds, While visions of a Greater United States danced in … Continue reading TURN OUT FOR WHAT | VOTE

Ted Cruz-IN For Your Vote

Well someone had to make a pun off the last name and I was hoping Jon Stewart wouldn't beat me to the punch. I'm sure plenty of political parodies have already used it, but nonetheless it still makes me laugh to write it. Alright America...Ted Cruz, wants you... [I promise I'm done]. Last week, Ted Cruz … Continue reading Ted Cruz-IN For Your Vote

Attention: Hillary Clinton-in search of a new e-mail address

Mrs. Clinton step away from all of your mobil devices; didn't your children warn you of carpal tunnel? There are more pictures of this woman and her smart phones then Justin Bieber selfies these days. [Satire provided by an old, like minded friend] I, among others, fault the American public for forgetting so quickly.  However, … Continue reading Attention: Hillary Clinton-in search of a new e-mail address

Transform Tuesday | Jon Stewart, Bow Ties and the Crimson Chin

Media watch dogs? Or are they the politician's puppies? Where are the people? Okay so I get that I'm totally stealing instagram's thunder for throwback thursday (early), but I figured I hit transformation Tuesday with a blockbuster original favorite. I had been sitting here pondering how at one point I wanted to be a journalist, … Continue reading Transform Tuesday | Jon Stewart, Bow Ties and the Crimson Chin


Eight years is a long time for anything, would you not agree?  So it is only appropriate that we celebrate the big man's overly-generously-given stay in office by thanking him for all that he has done for us.  After all, this is America, we are grateful, thankful, and universally…moral.  The Constitution was just guidelines right? … Continue reading No Obama…THANK YOU