Rally For Rachel | Be The Spark

April 29th 2015. Hit and Run. Bike. Critical Condition. Confession. Charges. Waiting. Honors. Graduation. Waiting. Surgeries. Hope. A couple of weeks ago, Rachel Hall, a Temple University graduate and student athlete fell victim to a hit and run tragedy, while riding her bike. If you're looking for her in the picture, she is the one with … Continue reading Rally For Rachel | Be The Spark

20 Reasons Why Phil Dunphy Should Be Your Man Crush Monday

If you are anything like me, an evening watching Modern Family is an evening well spent. After a long day on Tuesday, my wonderful roomate was on her spot of the couch, deciphering between jobs and cuing Modern Family on USA for background noise. I sat next to her, typing away, angrily as if my … Continue reading 20 Reasons Why Phil Dunphy Should Be Your Man Crush Monday

A Sunday Drive With Blues Guy

Monday: Get ready in ten minutes, drink too much coffee, and bond with the Blues Guy at work. Check. The Blues Guy kept me company today during the long 8 hours of straight screen staring.  We are ramping up fundraisers at the station, and my eyes might start bleeding, especially since on the back-burner of my … Continue reading A Sunday Drive With Blues Guy

Smart People, Dumb Phones and Background Noise

"You ever look at a picture of yourself and see a stranger in the background? It makes you wonder how many strangers have pictures of you. How many moments of other people's lives have we been in? Were we a part of someone's life when their dream came true? Or were we there when their … Continue reading Smart People, Dumb Phones and Background Noise

Women Crush Wednesday| Sophia Bush, Burpees and Strong Women

No I did not mistype a plural word. Woman Crush Wednesday singles out the pack. "Women," recognizes we are together, and this whole we need to compete with each other and demean one another, break the other down needs to end along with wearing bras as shirts to a country concert...Amen? So a couple months … Continue reading Women Crush Wednesday| Sophia Bush, Burpees and Strong Women

I Loved You Yesterday | I Love You Still

45 Reasons you should thank your little sister: Disclaimer: Some back story below on how I even got a little sister (not the stork). Little sisters are little devils, disguised as angels to... Okay, I'll try again. Little sisters are so annoying when they copy everything and steal your clothes... Okay I promise there was a … Continue reading I Loved You Yesterday | I Love You Still

Monday Mantra | Smile at Your Barista

The Oscars. 2015. American Sniper, Grand Budapest Hotel and a Martin Luther King tribute. Couture gowns, Neil Patrick Harris (and his shirtless, sarcastic presentations and puns), Lady Gaga hugging Julie Andrews (I'm sorry what?) and Eddie Murphy in a white tux (SNL tribute and Oscars...most I have seen Eddie since what, Dr. Doolittle?). Lots of thank-yous; … Continue reading Monday Mantra | Smile at Your Barista