Ever read the book Bad Feminist? Yeah me either. Although, I did read the free-be sample on kindle (shout out to Amazon, because I'm almost positive I've read the capacity of a full book with all of the free samples I've completed). The prologue was [awesome]. I laughed. I cried. I nodded- a lot. This … Continue reading BAD CHRISTIAN

Rally For Rachel | Be The Spark

April 29th 2015. Hit and Run. Bike. Critical Condition. Confession. Charges. Waiting. Honors. Graduation. Waiting. Surgeries. Hope. A couple of weeks ago, Rachel Hall, a Temple University graduate and student athlete fell victim to a hit and run tragedy, while riding her bike. If you're looking for her in the picture, she is the one with … Continue reading Rally For Rachel | Be The Spark

Grace Saves The Overthinkers, Netflix Bingers and Confused College Students

Amazing grace, how sweet thy sound, that saved a-crazy-typeA-over-achiever like me. "Grace is a love that has nothing to do with us but everything to do with the one from whom it derived: God. It is a powerful, divine and vital piece of our existence, and it is the only reason we are able to … Continue reading Grace Saves The Overthinkers, Netflix Bingers and Confused College Students

Catch 22 | Suffering

CLICK TO READ for some food for thought. Image, and advice provided via Relevant Magazine A MUST, QUICK, NECESSARY READ! Thank goodness for Facebook, and it's ability to inform us at all times what other people are reading! No seriously!  Such a good read about going through rough times, the promise of a way out; … Continue reading Catch 22 | Suffering

Jim on Point | Significant Simplicity

"Jesus loves me still today, Walking with me on my way. Wanting as a friend to give, Light and love to all who live." So hope everyone is staying warm in this blizzard!  I don't think I have seen this much snow since I was eight years old living in Maryland; the snow lay adrift … Continue reading Jim on Point | Significant Simplicity

February 9 | Day 1

"Let those who are wise understand these things. Let those with discernment listen carefully.  The paths of the Lord are true and right, and righteous people like by walking in them." -HOSEA 14-9 NLT Discernment by definition is the acuteness and judgement of understanding; in this case spiritual understanding.  Which by the way, if I … Continue reading February 9 | Day 1