A letter to me

Dear short one, I'm sorry it has been so long since we have last spoke; I'd blame it on a lost address or postal mistake, but the truth is we've never been that good at [communication]. You may be younger, but the good thing is that a yellow steno pad & Ticonderoga pencil never go … Continue reading A letter to me


Ever read the book Bad Feminist? Yeah me either. Although, I did read the free-be sample on kindle (shout out to Amazon, because I'm almost positive I've read the capacity of a full book with all of the free samples I've completed). The prologue was [awesome]. I laughed. I cried. I nodded- a lot. This … Continue reading BAD CHRISTIAN

The World | Now Hiring: RSVP

Do not write things you think other people need to know; sometimes the most beautifully written work, emerges from something that you yourself need to hear. I needed to hear that the world needs my giggle-baby-name-teaching-camera-mission-trip skilled self. Little baby orphans Jhovani & Stevie broke my heart when I was 16 years old during a mission trip … Continue reading The World | Now Hiring: RSVP

YOU Are Right On Target | YOU Are The Answer |Purpose and Passion without Monster.com

Do you fear the real world? The one without all access dining halls that serve breakfast until 3pm, or student discounts...You cannot see me now, but I have my hand raised. I fear it, and not because I have to take responsibility, or because I will probably have less time to do burpees (that will be my excuse). … Continue reading YOU Are Right On Target | YOU Are The Answer |Purpose and Passion without Monster.com

How About… We Don’t.

I can just hear my roommate kelly yelling…PREACH. Interesting, right; In a society where time crunch is everything and instantaneous communication is not encouraged, but required.  How many times have you given up on something because of the time it will take to accomplish?  How many times have you moved to the next project, friendship, … Continue reading How About… We Don’t.

South Jersey Giggler Goes Live: Day 1

I had been feeling under the weather when I woke up on Friday; the kind where your eye lids are sore and you're not really sure why; when your skin "hurts," (and the way you know exactly what I am conveying without a diagnosis).  I felt guilty because it was my first official intern day … Continue reading South Jersey Giggler Goes Live: Day 1