Ever read the book Bad Feminist? Yeah me either. Although, I did read the free-be sample on kindle (shout out to Amazon, because I'm almost positive I've read the capacity of a full book with all of the free samples I've completed). The prologue was [awesome]. I laughed. I cried. I nodded- a lot. This … Continue reading BAD CHRISTIAN

Are You Afraid of the Dark

Yes. That girl in the bright pink north face is me. Yes it took me 2 minutes to jump. Yes I cropped it to look a little under 2 minutes. No I am not a dare devil. Fear is my BFF. When I was little, I used to hide under the covers with my neighbor, … Continue reading Are You Afraid of the Dark

Smart People, Dumb Phones and Background Noise

"You ever look at a picture of yourself and see a stranger in the background? It makes you wonder how many strangers have pictures of you. How many moments of other people's lives have we been in? Were we a part of someone's life when their dream came true? Or were we there when their … Continue reading Smart People, Dumb Phones and Background Noise

Women Crush Wednesday| Sophia Bush, Burpees and Strong Women

No I did not mistype a plural word. Woman Crush Wednesday singles out the pack. "Women," recognizes we are together, and this whole we need to compete with each other and demean one another, break the other down needs to end along with wearing bras as shirts to a country concert...Amen? So a couple months … Continue reading Women Crush Wednesday| Sophia Bush, Burpees and Strong Women

I Loved You Yesterday | I Love You Still

45 Reasons you should thank your little sister: Disclaimer: Some back story below on how I even got a little sister (not the stork). Little sisters are little devils, disguised as angels to... Okay, I'll try again. Little sisters are so annoying when they copy everything and steal your clothes... Okay I promise there was a … Continue reading I Loved You Yesterday | I Love You Still

Jim on Point | Significant Simplicity

"Jesus loves me still today, Walking with me on my way. Wanting as a friend to give, Light and love to all who live." So hope everyone is staying warm in this blizzard!  I don't think I have seen this much snow since I was eight years old living in Maryland; the snow lay adrift … Continue reading Jim on Point | Significant Simplicity

The Messy Strut | Pedestrians have more fun

First, acknowledge the mess.  Even if you think it is ugly, your people are pretty, so tell them so. Author of Bread & Wine, Shauna Niequest is realistic on the topic of walking through life; almost disappointingly so.  She states, "This is what I want you to do: I want you to tell someone you love them, … Continue reading The Messy Strut | Pedestrians have more fun